Friday, October 23, 2009

Not "cracking" up

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the Kings horses and All the Kings men
couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again....
AND neither could mommy!

So Tristen came home today with Humpty Dumpty...

All week at school they have been learning different Nursery Rhymes. So today they tested out Humpty Dumpty. Yes there was a real egg in that bag too! No I did not realize it until it was too late!

Tristen's Humpty Dumpty with stood the fall from the ladder today at school. Yes you heard that correctly. Tristen's teacher is simply an amazing teacher. She let the kids stand on a ladder and drop their Humpty Dumpy from a ladder to see if he would break.

Well since Humpty Dumpty was still alive in the bag. Tristen couldn't wait to get him out and show me. Before I could get the words out Humpty Dumpty died a quick death. All over Tristen's jeans, converse, socks and my chair cushions.

Lets just say I had a few choice words for Humpty Dumpty!
Oh God why me?
The last thing I wanted to be doing was cleaning up raw egg in the playroom.
And consoling my child over...yes you guessed it! A raw egg!

Tristen was completely devastated over Humpty Dumpty's death.
After crying for at least 30 minutes we decided to replace Humpty with a plastic Easter egg.
I also replaced a healthy home cooked meal for dinner with a frozen pizza.
Then we headed outside for a therapeutic walk around the block.
We are all recovering well after such a dramatic event!


  1. Oh no! At least you can take the cover off those cushions and wash them.

  2. That picture of Tristen's sad little mug cracks me up!
