Tuesday, October 20, 2009

one week ago

Well this time last week....I had only been home from the hospital a few hours after having surgery. Very pale I was. Still drugged up from the anesthia and pain meds. Blood pressure and heart rate low enough to worry my husband and panic my mom.

Surgery Day:

I had to be at the hospital at 11:30 am. We slept in till the sun awoke us. I'm not going to lie that is pretty normal for Tristen and I. The boys got up showered and dressed. I sent them out to go eat breakfast. It would have been pure torture for me to watch them eat. After 11:59 pm the night before I couldn't have anything to eat or drink until after my surgery. I was already convinced by 10am that I was dying from starvation. I absolutely love food. You better believe I ate all the way up until I could the night before but it still didn't help.

My mom came over and picked T up to take him to school. At the same time we headed to the hospital. Ewe...I was not looking forward to this! It was a fairly quiet time on our way there. Matt drove in silence while I distracted myself with checking my Facebook.

Before I could even get in the door of the hospital there was a familiar face awaiting me. Debbie a close family friend had beat us there. I checked in at registration and was told to go ahead upstairs.

They didn't waste anytime once I got up there. They showed me my room and had me put on my hospital gown immediately. Seriously...why are hospital gowns so hideous? They don't let you wear any make-up and no jewelery as it is. Geez! I know this isn't a fashion show or anything but could they make it any worse on you.

Within 30 Min's my room was filled with family and friends...My best friend Kelly, my amazing husband, my parents, my brother, my mother-in-law, Debbie, Courtney, and Margarita all family friends, and Pastor Parkey. We talked and laugh as we waited for the time to arrive. Before they came to take me to the Anesthesiologist everyone grabbed hands and prayed over me. Matt and I are so blessed to have all these amazing people in our lives. I left that room with tears rolling down my face and a great sense of peace.

I waited in the pre-surgery room for close to an hour. While my family and friends waited for the call that I was headed into surgery. At close to 2:30 pm Matt got that call. The last thing I remember is being pushed into the operating room and thinking "this looks nothing like Grey's Anatomy!"

I woke up in Recovery with great pain on my right side. I had a Laproscopy procedure. I had 3 incisions...one in my belly button and 2 on my lower stomach. One on the right side and one on the left. I woke up asking for pain medication. At that time I couldn't have any yet. They were having a hard time getting my heart rate up and ended up giving me drugs to do so. I found out later my heart rate was in the 30's before they got it back up. My blood pressure also low. They took it about 50 times...no I'm not exaggerating either. It was 40/80 for a good while.

There is more to the story. Ill finish in the morning.

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