Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1st day of 1st Grade

was a success!!!

Daddy was on shift today but that didn't stop him from missing T's 1st day of school!
Don't worry there wasn't an emergency at school this morning...just T's daddy coming to see him off to class! The Fire Truck and all!

Hard at work already...they don't waste anytime!
A few of the adorable but very funny things T said today!
* Mom....your not waking me up this early everyday!
* Do we still have to tuck our shirts in when we go to college?
It's hard to believe my little boy is in 1st grade! I was totally missing him by 12. Not worry though...I spent half my day at the school. So just as I was starting to miss him I got to sneak a hug in. Boohoo breakfast was a success and so was cookies and milk. It was good to meet all the newbie parents today, welcome them to HCCA and let them know how much they are going to love it!
Now it's off to bed because we have to do this all over again tomorrow!! Oh sleeping in how I miss you already!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Birthday Boy..7 years

It's hard to believe my "baby" turned 7 on Thursday!
I couldn't be more proud of of him! I mean look at that gorgeous little face! He is so much more than I could have ever hoped for. We feel so blessed to have such a awesome kiddo. I just love his sweet spirt, zest for life and his contagious laugh.

We spent 4 out of the last 7 days at the lake house. One of those days being T's birthday.

What more could a 7 year old want than to fish all day.

As much as he loves the lake he couldn't wait to get back home. Only because he wanted to go to Target to get his ipod touch!

This is one excited little boy! A proud owner of his very own ipod touch!!!! Yea!!! Now we all finally get our iphones back!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A blogging kind of day!

So here it is into the wee hours of the morning and I still can't turn my mind off. After a day like yesterday..even though it in fact was today since I haven't been to bed yet. Ahhhhhhh!!!! Yes, it was one of those days.
Not sure I'm a fan of being blindsided. While working out at the gym I get a phone call letting me know I will no longer be working for Stork vision. That they no longer have the funds to pay me. I did all the marketing targeting OB offices. My salary there paid for T's tuition. It was something I could do from home and bring T along when needed.
So this left me all day pondering the thought of how I was going to make this up in other areas?!?! Since we start paying tuition in August.
I already stay up into the wee hours of the morning at least 3-4 times a week for Sugar Plum. So instead of saving that money for in vitro it will go to T's school. Which is totally fine with me. T's school if worth every penny we pay! Now Sugar Plum is a must not a maybe.
Just putting us further and further away from in vitro.
On days like this it makes just wanna give up on that dream! It makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs...knowing I have no control over carrying another child in my womb. It makes me want to punch my computer screen and throw my iPhone after reading another one of my face book friends is expecting. Or another unfit mother is pregnant yet again. Even though she can't keep a job to support the kid she already has. It makes me want to face plant the next person who tells me it will happen when the times right. Shut the F up!!!! This isn't your life or struggle. I don't want to hear about rainbows, butterflies and all other positive BS you have to say. Walk 3 1/2 years in my shoes. Wishing for something you wanted yesterday and everyday before that. Praying on days like this that God would take the desire of wanting more children away. So I don't have to fight back tears when the lady at the playground ask why we don't have more kids? Like that's a choice I've made!
Today I've cried more than I have in a long time. I've been mad the majority of the day and have said more choice words than I can count. That's the raw unedited truth.
So don't judge me when I tell you ...instead of buying 1 new pair of shoes for T for back to school. That I'll probably buy 3 or 4 tomorrow at Nordstroms. Since I only have 1 pair of feet to buy for he might as well have at least 4 choices. This is my way to deal with it....retail therapy. It doesn't heal the heart but it sure distracts it!

A Pirate's Life...Tristen's 7th Birthday Party


Party Guest

T had a wonderful time at his party!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 reasons I hate Walmart

Dear Walmart,

You just reaffirmed all the reasons I hate you! No seriously!

1. You no longer carry my favorite deli meat: Sun Dried Tomato turkey breast
2. You never have Ozarka bottle water in stock
3. I had to look in 4 different place for Tostada shells. I mean shouldn't they be next to the taco shells.
4. I get to witness criminal activity while waiting in the checkout line...and so does my 6 year old. Which causes you to call all the cops in Burleson. Just to chase some punk teenager who is stealing a bag full of can goods. Hence leaving no one to protect the city from actual crime.
5. I have to stand in the checkout line for 30 mins. Not really sure what the reasoning is behind that. There are over 30 checkout lanes but only 3 of them are open?!?!
6. One of your bathroom is always being cleaned...and it is always the one I go to first. As often as you shut them down to be cleaned...why aren't they clean?!?! I try to avoid them at all cost but it never fails my kid has to go at least once while we are there. Which brings me to my next point.
7. Your store remodel sucks!!!! It turned my 45 min shopping trip into a 3 hour disaster!
8. You put a game room in the front of your store..why?! So all the parents lose their mind while waiting in the 30 min checkout line and listen to their kids beg to go play. Knowing the last thing we want to do is spend another moment in your store.
9. I have every employee ask me if they can help me find something but none of them actually knows where anything is.
10. Your greeter stops me on the way out and wants to check my recipt! WHat is this Sam's now? You honestly don't think I would be stealing anything. I know I didn't put make-up on this morning but I can't be that scary. Seriously...I don't understand your procedures. Why wouldn't you have stopped the people in front of me..all the signs were there. The wife beater as a shirt, the oversized bag and no shopping cart. No you stop the girl with pearl earrings, clean clothes and a well behaved child. OMG!!!!!

I haven't been in your store in I don't know how long. And you wonder why! Never again!
Super Target please hurry I need you! HEB it will be nice to have a back-up. There is no way people save money at Walmart. They waste to much of their time walking around looking for what they need.