Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Burleson vs Aledo

The Aledo Tournament

We spent our Saturday and Sunday at the Aledo ball fields. T played 2 games both days. Just giving us enough time to go eat and rest a little between games. I have to say I thought I was going to hate this part of baseball...the tournaments that is. To my surprise I actually like it. I'm spending all day with my boys watching them do what they love.
We ate some yummy food..Los Vaqueros and Railhead! I made a quick trip to their Super Target. I was in need of a umbrella to help block the sun from baking me to a crisp.
My perception of what Aledo's ballpark would look like was all wrong. As much money as they perceive to have and as good as their kids are...I was expecting something like a mini Texas Ranger's stadium. Nope not at all! More like a cow pasture with fences and bleachers.

Right down the 3rd baseline...everytime!

Playing ready

Good stop...Hold'em at 1st

FYI: In Aledo their 6 year olds are equivalent to our 10 year olds. I'm pretty convinced they feed them protein shakes and steroids! No lie!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fashionable 4th

It's not to late to place your order for your littlest firecracker!

Who says everyone has to wear Old Navy 4th of July shirts!

Even mom can be cute in this Star's and Stripe tank with bling!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Burleson Thunder

yep you guessed it.. T is playing All stars for the 1st time this summer!
He just finished his 3rd tournament. That means we have been playing ball almost everyday for the last 4 weeks. If it's not games it's 2 hour practice. And this Texas heat is causing this Momma to melt!

They have only won 1 game and lost several by just 1 point. It is the experience that counts as Matt would say. I am very competitive and need to tone it down a bit. It's T-ball for crying out loud!
T is doing awesome playing 3rd base!

And the uniforms are sweet! Hopefully I'll get a picture of my boys in their uniforms tomorrow. Matt coaches so he wears the uniform too...and boy does he wear it well.

I made the moms on the Crowley All star team these adorable tanks!

After I sat in my black Thunder t-shirt for a game. I came home and made one for myself and a few of the other moms on our team too. Except ours are black/red and have a B of course. I'll get someone to snap a picture of me supporting the team so I can share it.

Okay it's off to bed for now. I've got to get that beauty sleep. It has been far and few in between lately. Staying up late working and making lots of new creations. I'll post them soon!

Friday, June 25, 2010


and the living is easy!

At the moment I have lots of Summertime obessions:

The new Chick-fil-a Spicy chicken sandwich...yum!

Working out

Pooltime with my favorite little guy

Strawberries...I'm on a roll...eaten a carton a day for at least 3 days now!


Not wearing make-up

Neutrogen natural glow

Nike running shorts...wear them daily

Braum's bannana milkshakes

Ice cold water

My new green cardiagn I snagged at Old Navy of all it!

Exxon Farmer's the produce

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sugar Babies

I absoultly love seeing babies in my creations!! Ava looks stunning in this Ladybug halter tutu dress! Although you can't see them at this angle. There are black pom pom balls for spots.

Brooke and Carloline in The Garden Collection! How cute are they in their coordinating t-shirt dresses?

If you have pictures of your kiddos in Sugarplum send them to me! I would love to post them to the blog!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

One day in the life of a housewife!

A Real housewife as my Girlfriend Erin would say!
So today was spent in my PJ's. Yep....never got out of them! Boy does this rarely happen but it is so nice when it does. I did brush my teeth and wash my face.
Sometimes I have to make myself not get dressed. Just so I can get things accomplished around the house.
Today was quite productive! I felt like a domestic diva.
Started the day off with hot tea...this is a daily ritual around here.
Balanced the checkbook
Did school with T...worked on his handwriting, did a few worksheets and listen to him read for an hour.
Laundry...lots of laundry. sticks and french frys
worked on a few shirts for Sugarplum
washed the linens on T's bed and cleaned his room
made cookies and ate cookie dough
enjoyed a quick visit w/ my MIL and SIL
set up the slip-n-slid for T
cooked dinner...Flounder w/ roasted potatoes, onions, beans and bell peppers
cleaned the kitchen up
got T ready for ball practice and out the door w/Matt
helped GeeGee find a number for a salon
enjoyed some piece and quiet
caught up on the blogs I read
talked on the phone to a sweet friend
spent sometime over at Gram's with the family
washed T's mouth out with tolerance at the Moseley house
worked some more in the sewing room
Now that it's 1am I think I'll go catch up on The Bachelorette. I love DVR!

Crazy eye

My right eye looks like something out of a scary movie right now! I have never in my life had this happen to me! I'm not feeling it at all.

Yesterday I woke up really tired after only 4 hours of sleep. My allergies have been acting up the last few days leaving me a little congested. After getting up and getting dressed I noticed my right eye kept getting little sleepies in it. I just thought it was from lack of sleep the night before. As the day continued I noticed my eye getting red and irritated. I didn't think a whole lot about it. I mean why wouldn't it be irritated I have been sticking my fingers in it all day. I had to run some errands mid afternoon in Fort Worth. By the time I reached Hobby Lobby I was having to wipe my eye every few Min's to get the film out of it. So the naturalist that I am..I drive to the nearest health food store Richardson's. Pick up a bottle of Colloidal Silver a natural bacteria killer. Put a few drops in and head home to get ready for T's ball game. We go to the game. I hide my red irritated eye behind my sunglasses and have to continually wipe it every few Min's. We get home from the game a few hours later...take off my glasses and OMG!!!! My eye is huge! So swollen I'm starting to look like I could be Jackie Changs daughter. As my eye will only open half way. At this point I'm starting to get a little freaked out about this. My vision is starting to get blurry. Around 9pm I decide I just can't wait till the morning to go to the doctor. I hope in the car meet my mom in Crowley...don't feel like I should be driving at this point. I get to Care Now they see me right away. I leave there with Antibiotics eye drops, oral antibiotics and a steroid. Geeez! All for an infected eye. And yes I infected it myself. Doctor said it was allergy related and from sticking my acrylic nails and fingers in it.....bam infection in less than 8 hours. So needless to say I'll be staying home till I don't look like a freak anymore!

Oh...and thank you lord my husband doesn't want to go to his 10 year reunion this weekend!!! If he was he would be going solo!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This ones for the girls...

Cross onesie w/matching bow

The Fairy Collection: Set of burp cloths & Onesie dress

Cowgirl ruffle butt onesie

Turquoise Zebra Cross Tee

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Longest post ever

Wooziers!! It has been 3 weeks since I blogged last.

These past weeks I literally feel like I'm living my life in a tornado. In a continuous state of motion....not stopping...spinning from 1 place to another. this point I haven't taken any lives but it could get house that is!

I'm just warning you this post is going to be all over the place...a little of this and a little of that.

This is just a taste of what life was like the last week of school.


T had Donuts with Dads at school to celebrate up coming Father's Day!

and his 1st Field day all in one day! He was one tired little boy.

I hosted a Tan Party @ my house. It's definitely not the usual party...everyone isn't all dolled up. Instead everyone comes with no make-up on, no bra and trades their heels in for sweats. It was a blast! A party with only your closest friends. Gottta Get Tan is amazing!!!! If you ever need a spray tan Candice is your woman. I used her for the 1st time last year for HCCA's end of the year party @ NRH2O. I was so impressed and got lots of compliments! So this year I decided I would host a party at my house using Gotta Get Tan's mobile tanning service. Candice's daughter also attends HCCA. She graciously donated a mobile tan party. We sold $50 spots to 5 people at FOT(Festival of Tables) HCCA's biggest fundraiser of the year. It was a huge hit and will be a yearly tradition! It doesn't get much better than getting your tan on, eating chocolate covered strawberries and drinking a glass of wine with your favorite girls!


T's last day of school and Kindergarten graduation.
Wow...this was a rough day for mommy emotionally. Just knowing that would be the last time... I would walk T down the hall to Mrs.Matejka's room. Drop him off at 12 and only have my little man gone for 3 hours. Knowing I'm not gonna see my girlfriends everyday even if it is just for 10 Min's since summer is here. Next year holds a whole new world! I can hardly imagine T being at school all day. I'm all ready trying to prepare myself for the disappoint to come. No matter how great T's 1st grade teacher is...she will be no Mrs.Matejka!

My little grad

Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud!

Accepting his diploma

Instead of turning his tassel he decided it would be easier to just turn his hat! So cute!!

Daddy and T

My Charming Family

The reception afterwards..outside on the lawn. It is a tradition for the 1st grade parents to put it on. So next year we will repay the favor.
We were so grateful to celebrate this special day with lots of family and friends!

The cookie bouquet Nana and Papa got him.

Nana..Papa..T..Matt..and I

Courtney..Kelly..Gram..GeeGee..Jon Jon..Granddaddy..Mimi..T..Matt and I

Aunt Melissa (and Brody) and T

What a great way to end an amazing year!!! There are no words for me to convey how thankful we are to Mrs.Matejka for all she had done this year!!! She has been a true blessing to T and our family!


End of the year swim party @ Mrs.M's house!!

Yes...she is just that amazing! She has her entire class over to her house to celebrate the end of the year!

T swimming and talking to the ladies.

T and Riley

Julie rocking her Momma Sugarplum tee!


End of the year school party @ NRH2O

Matt, T and I enjoyed a fun day at NRH2O with all our HCCA friends.

Soaking up every ray of sun

Eating hamburgers and hot dogs

Applying and reapplying sunscreen

laughing and more laughing

racing my girlfriends down the slide

floating the lazy river

lounging in the wave pool

Just a few of the things we enjoyed!

After a fun day at the water park we headed home to get cleaned up. It has become a tradition to meet up for dinner after the water park. We were meeting several of our HCCA couple friends and their kiddos at Frescos. We had a absolute blast together!

This has to be the longest post ever!!!! Can you believe this all took place in a week!!! Now you know why I've been gone from the blogging world so long.