Monday, July 27, 2009

PG 13

I am going to warn you this week is a little PG 13. It's is the down and dirty truth so I'll just tell it like it is.

This is for all of the women out there who have fertility issues or who are trying or who have tried to get pregnant. I am all to familiar with the fertilty world. I never dreamed in a million years I would have issues getting and maintaining a pregnancy. So on that note you will know what I'm talking about when I say every month there is a 4 day opportunity, time span, window or what every you want to call it in your house. We call it the baby making time in ours. THis is a very important thing to not miss out on when you have been trying for 2 years 7 months. So when Matt got a call to come into work for a trade at 7 in the evening. I had to take action right away since he whould be on shift now for 36 hours out of our 96 hour oportunity. So I conspired a plan and took action. I would never bribe my sweet little boy with water guns and a bubble bath in mommy and daddy's big bath tub. I would absoultly NOT try to make a baby with my 5 year old only about 10 steps and a pair of french doors away. I would NOT continue this plan as I heard the words "Mommy....Daddy....Mommy...Daddy!" Knowing that at any moment those doors could be swung open and this mommy and daddy would be caught. No I didn't let that stop me I had serious baby making buisness to attend to. I am happy to say "Mission Accomplished!"

So if you are staring at the screen in shock just go ahead and close out the screen because Not Me Monday isn't over yet.

I would never consider taking something out of a movie and using it in real life. I would never pull a "Big Daddy" in my house. It isn't a very pleasant feeling to wake up in your bed and realize that something next to you is wet. No...I don't really enjoy that. I don't enjoy waking to the smell of urine and the idea of my 5 year old having a accident in my bed. Now I have to wake up, take his pj's off put new pj's on and change the sheets on my bed at 2:30 in the morning. Well I can say I did the first 2 but when I opened up the linen closet I grab a towel instead of a new set of sheets. Thank God for mattress covers! I took that towel layed it right over that wet spot...jumped back in bed and was catching the rest of my Zzzzz's in no time.

Well speaking of Zzzz's I better go get some! Hope everyone has a blessed week and got a good laugh at my not so perfect life. Untill next Monday......

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another great weekend

Birthday Party at the Art Barn
My Prince Charming taking me to lunch at Abuelos
Buy out the Dollar Tree's stock of flashlights for T's Camping party this weekend
Shopping at the Parks Mall
Buying a few new Ralph Lauren's
Sunday morning church
Salt Grass with delightful company and refreshing conversation
Afternoon nap
Powerful praise and worship that literally makes you jump because God is SO good!
Dancing in the rain
Eating yummy hotdogs
Afternoon drive out looking for houses
a trip to Target
Hunting bugs in the dark with flashlights
These are the things that make for a great weekend with my Charming family.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lets Roll....

So I come out of Dollar Tree to this....

I open the truck door to Tristen in the driver's seat and Matt in the back.

T: "Hey mom "

A: "What are you doing?"

T: "Get in ....Let's roll! I'm driving this truck home."

Oh boy!!! I have my hands full!

I am thrilled that I finally found flashlights for T's party. I bought out all that they had. So excited that I can mark that off of my checklist...yes I am that OCD.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dirty Laundry

Well Monday is upon us once again and almost over for that matter. I am a little late today on my "Not Me Monday" post as a sweet friend of mine reminded me. I have a very good reason though. I meet up with my HCCA(Holy Cross Christian Academy) girlfriends and their kiddos for the majority of my day. On that note I have missed them terribly and was so glad to see them!!! Our plans for Hawaiian Falls quickly changed today due to crazy Texas weather. The rain was needed desperatly and my water bill will appreciated it too. So the HCCA gang invaded Peter Piper Pizza for some good ole fun, food and laughter.

**Side Note: Putting Tristen in HCCA was one of the best descisions we have made not only for Tristen but for me!!! I have made some amazings friends I just couldn't live without!

Okay...back to Not me Monday!

I would never take a pair of my pants out of the dirty clothes with the intention of wearing them before washing them. The thought of me putting them in the dryer with a few dryer sheets on the Freshen Up cycle...ironing them and then wearing them to church would just be down right repulsive...oh Not Me!! Did I forget to mention these pants were in the bottom of the hamper with wet towels and urinatated Pj's on top of them.

I would Not do laundry and not clean my house for over a week. I would not do these things just beacuse I didn't feel like it. I would not rather have a messy house instsead of having playdates and coffee dates. Even though as a housewife that is my job and if I worked anywhere else I would be fired on the spot. I would Not give myself a vacation from these duties knowing that I can't be fired because these boys need me. Nope Not Me!!!

Hope you have enjoyed my dirty secrets in my not so perfect life. I had a great Monday and hope everyone else did to. Well my house is still messy and it's not gonna clean it's self so I better get to it!

7 letters

So for many years or 3 1/2 to be exact I have wanted to put Tristen's name on his wall in his room. I could just never find the perfect letters for the job. I always had this preconcieved idea of what I thought they should look like. I am Happy to tell you people actually make what I envision! Isn't that just amazing? I found these at Khols's and they were on sale!!! Of course I had to put the Amanda touch on them and paint them blue. So here are my adorable 7 letters...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fabulous Find

Have you ever seen something and knew you just have to have it? Well it happens to me pretty often. Actually it happened today! I just had to show off my Fabulous Find! I instantly fell in-love with this very chic black flower bracelet! I'm sure your just dying to know where I got it....our church bookstore. My favorite part it only cost me $8!!

I absoultly love it!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me! Monday

So I love this idea of NOT ME! Monday. I follow another blogger who came up with this genius idea. THis is my 1st Not Me! Monday post. It is just suppose to be the brutally honest things that you do but don't want to admit to. BUT...why not??? No one is perfect so why not make someone else feel better about themselves by admiting your imperfections.

So here I go....I would NOT go through the trouble of putting my workout clothes on and taking T to my parents. I would NOT drive to bootcamp pull in my parking space and park the car. To see everyone running outside it 103 temperatures. I would absoultly NOT put my car in reverse and skip bootcamp because I could not bear the thought of sweating that much. No not me!

I would NOT let Tristen eat 3 Yoplait Strawberry Bannana yogurts instead of a healthy lunch.

I would NOT do the unthinkable. I would Not threaten my child out of exhaustion with "If you do that one more time"...knowing that I'm not gonna do a thing about it. No not me! I think that I'll just continue to watch my show and ignore the last 10 times he did it.

I would never wash the same load of laundry 3 times because I keep forgetting about it. No NOT me! THat would just be horrible all that water I'm wasting. Just because I can't remember to put it in the dryer...come on!

So I'm gonna try my best to do this every Monday. We'll see just how successful I am at it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ohhhh what a evening!

Our day was going according to plan...pancakes for breakfast, playing, sewing, finally a shower and out of our PJ's at 12pm, lunch, growing a few animal capsules and then.......Tristen lost his 2nd tooth and all I have in my wallet is $10 and a debit card. Oh boy are the parents of T's friends gonna hate me. He is gonna start thinking the more teeth you loose the more money you get. THe first one was $5 and now the 2nd one $10. Holy cow the tooth fairy must be rich...if he only knew;) So of course he is just pumped about his tooth coming out so we do the happy dance for about 10 minutes. Then he goes to the bathroom to stare at himself for another hour. No I'm not kidding either! After all the excitement for the day or at least for the moment we head to Gram's for dinner with Mimi, Granddaddy, Uncle Jon Jon and Gram. If you didn't know that is just a walk across the backyard and through the gate because Gram's house is directly behind ours. We had a very yummy dinner as always. After dinner my mom, Tristen and I were going to run to my parents house to pick up a few things. We noticed Gram's new next door neighbors were out and have a little boy the same age as T. So my mom told Trisen to go over and introduce himself. Well of course T did that without hesitation as he is a social bug. They became instant friends and within minutes were running around playing. About 10 minutes goes by and the little boy wants Tristen to come in and see his new bunkbed. T ask if he can and I don't see any harm in it so I say sure go ahead. Oh comes the excitment. Tristen comes running out with blood all over his mouth saying the dog bit him. Of course all I can see is blood at this point. So I take him over to the waterhose and start washing off his face and inside his mouth. And sure enough there is two small on the side of his lip and one on the top. At this point his top lip is already swollen and purple. I lift it up to find that the dog also caught under his top lip too and it is all cut up. My mom is freaking out...I'm a really calm and collective parent. I'm really use to these types of things (not dog bites) Tristen is all boy. THere is never a dual moment in our house. So I put T in the truck and head to the Fire Station , so Matt can take a look at it. How is it that he is never home when I need him :) The whole way there my mom is saying" AManda they are going to have to corentine (not the correct sp..sorry) that dog!" WHat if it hasn't had it shots? Maybe we should take him to CareNow? She is very worried about her grandson. We get there Matt takes a good look...and says"oh I think he'll be fine. Did you ask them if the dog had it shots?" So he sends me home to go ask the neighbor's if their dog has it shots...oh this is gonna be awkward. So I'm thinking it will go a little like this....Excuse me sir ...does your dog have it's shots? When was the last time it got them? Are you sure it has had a rabies shot? DOes it have a tag on it's collar saying it does? All dogs that get a rabies shot have a speacial tag on it's collar. Can I get the serial number for that and your Vet's name and number...I'm gonna need to verify all this information. Even though my husband says there hasen's been a case of rabies in years.Hahaha!!! Oh so eventful! The way it really went was my mom and dad went over and the dog had all of it's shots 8 months ago. T is fine....just a very swollen purple lip. And my mom just called to say " Amanda google dog bites. I was reading on there it says ........................................ and I reasured her I would, so I better get to doing that. I love my mom she is still the same very protective, extra cautious mom I remember growing up!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stars...Stripes and Fireworks

It was a very low key 4th of July this year but lots of fun and laughter! We started our day with a trip to Starbucks and then found the perfect spot to watch the parade in Old Town Burleson. THis is the first parade Matt's actually got to sit and watch with us. Every year he is either on shift or driving the Firetruck. I thought I had remembered everything...chairs, blanket, camera, dog with leash and then.....Tristen says "Mom where is my bag to put my candy in?" Oh no I forgot the bag!!! Just then Matt looks over at me with this look like I can't believe you forgot the bag...and then he says "we'll daddy didn't!" Thank goodness for a awesome daddy!!! That could have been a really bad meltdown. Needless to say Tristen filled his bag up with lots of unnessessary candy and multiple trips to the street to retrieve it!

Tristen waving at the motorcycles

Bentley and T watching the parade


My sweet boy

Here come the Firetrucks...oh boy!

After a fun filled morning we headed to Chick-fil-a for breakfast...just guess who picked that??? We ate and played but had to get home for Ciara's 3rd birthday party. We enjoyed celebrating with the Hills and Tristen loved the waterslide of course! After the party we only had a few short hours before getting ready for the Fireworks show. Matt headed down there a few hours before us since he was working overtime for the show. I was a little bummed at first about him having to work but it worked out great! I didn't have to get there extra early because he coned me off a front row parking spot. We enjoyed the evening with our friends Christna(no I didn't misspell her name..chris-na) and Coby. The boys ran around for hours playing football, baseball and whatever else their little hearts desired.

He loves his Sweet Tea

Mommy and Coby

THe boys and their swords

My little Firecracker


Oh I almost left out a couple of things that made our night so much more eventful!

1st: We were sitting on the side of a hill...yes I know what your thinking but I needed shade!

So I go to reach for Tristen's cup and literally almost tumble down the hill lawn chair and all! Thank Christna for saving me and laughing so hard we almost wet our pants.

2nd: This random guy is walking his big dog and it decides to stop in front of where we are sitting and take a poo. Yes...I almost through up!! And he didn't even scoop it up!! So later that evening the boys are running around bare foot and just GUESS what happens??? Oh yes...they both stepped in it! Thank God for baby wipes and bottle water. I thought I was going to throw up multiple times trying to clean up that mess. I can handle throw up and dirty diapers anyday but that never again!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

American Pie

I finally did it! Every year Family Circle has it's American Flag cake on the cover for it's July issue...and every year I tell myself were gonna make it. It's only taking me 6 years but we finally did it! Of course I had to change it up a bit. So instead of making a cake I used a pie recipe.
Strawberry Cream Freeze
1 pkg. (8oz.) Cream Cheese, softened
1 Cup cold milk
1 pkg.(3.4 oz.) Jell-o Vanilla Flavor Instant pudding
1 1/2 cups thawed COOL whip whipped topping
20 Vanilla wafers, broken or use 40 mini wafers
1 cup sliced fresh strawberries
1/2 cup strawberry ice cream topping
8" Graham cracker pie crust
Make Filling: Prep time 25 min
Beat cream cheese in a large bowl with mixer untill creamy.
Gradually beat in milk. Add dry pudding mix; beat 2 min.
Stir in COOL whip, wafers and berries. Swirl in ice cream topping.
Now spoon filling into pie crust and freeze untill firm.
I used a 13x9 cake pan and made my own crust out of Graham cracker crumbs (you can buy those in a box on the baking isle). I had to double the recipe to fit the bigger pan. I bought 2 containers of fresh strawberries and 1 container of blueberries to make the flag. I also used cool whip in the can to make the stripes.
Tristen and I had a blast making and eating this!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My little STAR!

I'm here to do what mommies do best...brag on their kiddo!!! For the last 2 weeks Tristen has been going to baseball camp. It is put on by the coaches of the Burleson Elks baseball team. So we have been up early everyday for the last 2 weeks. If you know us you know thats not our thing! I'm very excited about sleeping in tomorrow!!! The first week of camp was a skillls camp working on all areas. I love the way they taught the kids how to slide properly. It was a genius idea. They had a big slip-in-slide and of course that was T's favorite part of the whole camp!! This week was a all hitting camp. They video taped of all the kids hitting and then gave us a written anayalis. TRisten had so much fun and learned a ton of stuff. I have to say it wasn't the most orgainzed event, but what do you expect it was ran by a bunch of men! On a positive note they were awesome with the boys.

And my favorite part...........................Tristen was in the Burleson Star this past Saturday. THey featured a article on the camp and my little ball players picture was in it!!! He has great form for a 5 year old!! Take a look yourself!!!!!!!!