Tuesday, April 6, 2010


That would be the number of test Dr.K is running on me to check for Recurrent Pregnancy loss. And the number of vials of blood they took last Wednesday when I went it. Lets just say I wasn't expecting that at all!

I'm not a big fan of needles and getting my blood taken...but who is. I took T with me to get him familiar with the office and staff and because he doesn't go to school till 12. Of course it was love at first site with T and Dr.K's nurses. He is quite the charmer. They were great with him. They let him wipe my arm off with the little alcohol wipe. Then he got to do his arm. He was loving it. I think he is going to be just like his daddy! He was so intrigued by the needles and watching them take my blood.

Once they started taking my blood and I saw all of those vials....lets just say I was getting some serious anxiety. I knew I probably wouldn't make it through all of those without passing out. You see there was this one time I donated blood for a friend of a friends baby. Well after that they told me I wasn't a good candidate. They had to baby me for an hour. I turned white and nearly passed out. They shoved crackers and juice down me till I returned to normal.

So you know what happens right?!?! After about 4 vials I started getting light headed. On about #6 I thought I might throw up. By #9 I could hardly hold my eyes open and the room was getting blurry. The poor nurse was right in my face....look at me Amanda! Keep your eyes open! It's okay your fine! Well I don't remember the last few because I passed out. I wake up with a wet cloth on my head and the nurse in my face. I have to say I'm not very fond of that feeling. Expecaily because T was with me. After a bottle of water, a package of crackers and an hour later I was back to normal.
I go back April 15th for another consultation with Dr.K to go over my bloodwork. Totally wishing we could do this over the phone! This little consults gonna cost us $180! Wozzers.
This baby might need to be names ALexis.....because its gonna cost us a much as buying a Lexis!

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