Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Fashion kills...

your brain cells! This is the conclusion I've come to after many occasions. I have found that I wear heels to alot of very inappropriate places.

Like when I wore heels to the Stock Show. Where there is lots of animals! And where there is lots of animals there is lots of animal poop. Yuck!

Or the Time I wore these grey heels. No place other than the Apple Orchard on a field trip with T and his class. It might have not been so bad if it hadn't rained that whole week. No I didn't get the hint when I saw all the other parents wearing rain boots either!

Needless to say that was in September. These heels still sit on my closet floor looking just like this. I haven't been able to bring myself to clean them off. I'm actually thinking it might be easier to just go buy a new pair!

The most recent occasion...The Gaylord Ice Exhibit. Where it is 9 degrees inside! Once again it never dawned on me. Not even as I was putting our coats, scarfs, mittens and hats all in the car. There is no way I would ever have a coat and a parka on with heels! Okay so maybe I did! But I sure did look cute.

So what if I place fashion above all else. My toes were only numb and didn't get the feeling back in them for at least an hour.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Eve of Christmas's already here! Seriously how does it come faster each year. I love this time of year and very sad it's almost over.

Although I can't sleep! My little SugarPlum is snug in my bed with visions of ripsticks dancing in his head. Santa has already stopped by The Moseley house and eaten his cookies...boy they were yummy! I'm missing my hubby tonight. I hate when his shift falls on hoildays...especially Christmas Eve.

I can't wait to see the excitement on T's face when he see's that Santa has indeed stopped by.

And of course he has been Good all year long!!! And even if he wasn't how could you say No to this face??? Nope I couldn't!!! That's why he's spoiled rotten. There is a tree with too many presents under it to count with his name on them.

Oh I can't turn on the alarm tonight either. Tristen is afraid Santa will set it off when he comes down the chimmney.

And to all a goodnight!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


So after a chilly night at the Fall Festival I have come to a conclusion! Seeing adorable babies in adorable costumes and pregnant women galore....does not help me. At all! I did catch myself several different times this evening starring at babies and mothers pushing strollers. As my heart desires more than anything to get to push a stroller again or carry a baby of my own in my arms.

I love being a mom more than anything in this world! I love being Tristen's mom! We had such a good time playing games, eating candy, bouncing in bounce houses, riding horses and eating of course. I will post pictures soon.

With all of that being said I came home tonight and decided to start researching IVF. Lets just say I have lots of questions, fears and concerns. I don't meet with my doctor until Monday for my post opt check-up. I will have more of a idea of where to go from here and who to see. Until then I had to do some research of my own.

After researching and reading for several hours I think I might just go dip in to T's candy bag. I think my questions just grew by the thousands. I can't even understand half the crap I just read. Seriously thinking I may need a class in IVF lingo!

I think there is a chance I might not be able to sleep tonight. I might not be able to turn off my this point it's in overload mode.

How much will this cost?
I just read on one doctors site roughly $20,000! And this isn't guaranteed people!
Will we be able to afford this realistically?
How soon can we start the process?
What does IVF entail?
I had know idea....test all kinds of test. Hormone shots. Egg retrieval. Sperm retrieval...I'm a little worried about this part. I don't know how excited Matt is going to be about doing his business in the doctor's office...if you know what I mean.
Can I emotionally go through all of this knowing there is that chance it might not work?
Should I just give up my dream of having more children?
Will Tristen be a only child for the rest of his life?
What things will we sacrifice to make this happen?
Why is this the road I have to go down?
Why can people on welfare and illegal immigrants pop out babies like skittles and I have to support them? When I can't even afford to have another child myself!

And the list could go on and on!

Now that I vented a little, ate 2 Twinkies, drank 2 bottles of water I'm starting to FEEL A LITTLE BETTER AND a little sleepy.



Friday, October 23, 2009

Not "cracking" up

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the Kings horses and All the Kings men
couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again....
AND neither could mommy!

So Tristen came home today with Humpty Dumpty...

All week at school they have been learning different Nursery Rhymes. So today they tested out Humpty Dumpty. Yes there was a real egg in that bag too! No I did not realize it until it was too late!

Tristen's Humpty Dumpty with stood the fall from the ladder today at school. Yes you heard that correctly. Tristen's teacher is simply an amazing teacher. She let the kids stand on a ladder and drop their Humpty Dumpy from a ladder to see if he would break.

Well since Humpty Dumpty was still alive in the bag. Tristen couldn't wait to get him out and show me. Before I could get the words out Humpty Dumpty died a quick death. All over Tristen's jeans, converse, socks and my chair cushions.

Lets just say I had a few choice words for Humpty Dumpty!
Oh God why me?
The last thing I wanted to be doing was cleaning up raw egg in the playroom.
And consoling my child over...yes you guessed it! A raw egg!

Tristen was completely devastated over Humpty Dumpty's death.
After crying for at least 30 minutes we decided to replace Humpty with a plastic Easter egg.
I also replaced a healthy home cooked meal for dinner with a frozen pizza.
Then we headed outside for a therapeutic walk around the block.
We are all recovering well after such a dramatic event!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

one week ago

Well this time last week....I had only been home from the hospital a few hours after having surgery. Very pale I was. Still drugged up from the anesthia and pain meds. Blood pressure and heart rate low enough to worry my husband and panic my mom.

Surgery Day:

I had to be at the hospital at 11:30 am. We slept in till the sun awoke us. I'm not going to lie that is pretty normal for Tristen and I. The boys got up showered and dressed. I sent them out to go eat breakfast. It would have been pure torture for me to watch them eat. After 11:59 pm the night before I couldn't have anything to eat or drink until after my surgery. I was already convinced by 10am that I was dying from starvation. I absolutely love food. You better believe I ate all the way up until I could the night before but it still didn't help.

My mom came over and picked T up to take him to school. At the same time we headed to the hospital. Ewe...I was not looking forward to this! It was a fairly quiet time on our way there. Matt drove in silence while I distracted myself with checking my Facebook.

Before I could even get in the door of the hospital there was a familiar face awaiting me. Debbie a close family friend had beat us there. I checked in at registration and was told to go ahead upstairs.

They didn't waste anytime once I got up there. They showed me my room and had me put on my hospital gown immediately. Seriously...why are hospital gowns so hideous? They don't let you wear any make-up and no jewelery as it is. Geez! I know this isn't a fashion show or anything but could they make it any worse on you.

Within 30 Min's my room was filled with family and friends...My best friend Kelly, my amazing husband, my parents, my brother, my mother-in-law, Debbie, Courtney, and Margarita all family friends, and Pastor Parkey. We talked and laugh as we waited for the time to arrive. Before they came to take me to the Anesthesiologist everyone grabbed hands and prayed over me. Matt and I are so blessed to have all these amazing people in our lives. I left that room with tears rolling down my face and a great sense of peace.

I waited in the pre-surgery room for close to an hour. While my family and friends waited for the call that I was headed into surgery. At close to 2:30 pm Matt got that call. The last thing I remember is being pushed into the operating room and thinking "this looks nothing like Grey's Anatomy!"

I woke up in Recovery with great pain on my right side. I had a Laproscopy procedure. I had 3 in my belly button and 2 on my lower stomach. One on the right side and one on the left. I woke up asking for pain medication. At that time I couldn't have any yet. They were having a hard time getting my heart rate up and ended up giving me drugs to do so. I found out later my heart rate was in the 30's before they got it back up. My blood pressure also low. They took it about 50 I'm not exaggerating either. It was 40/80 for a good while.

There is more to the story. Ill finish in the morning.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Not feeling so sassy

I'm not sure where to begin....I'm feeling a little tired, under the weather and not so sassy at all. As most of you didn't know till Monday that I was pregnant. As our journey to add to our family has been a long long disappointing road. We have been trying for 3 years as most of you know. For the rest of you guys I'll give you a little background. I have had 3 miscarriages and 2 ectopic pregnancies in the last 3 years. Last November I suffered from my first ectopic pregnancy. When my right tube ruptured at 9 weeks pregnant. I was rushed to the emergency room by ambulance. Where I had emergency surgery to take out my right tube and stop the bleeding.

Now fast forward a few weeks ago. I found out I was pregnant for the 5th time since having Tristen. I thought for sure this was it! So we keep it pretty quiet as my history hasn't been good. I went in Monday for a check-up do to some spotting and light pain. Since I had hit the 6 weeks mark they went ahead and did a sonogram. I must say I Hate internal sonograms they are not on my list of favorites. So it takes a while to do the sonogram. There is lots of silence and little clicks on the keyboard. And then you hear this heartbeat.....strong and loud! It amazes me how at 6 weeks a heart is so strong. Of course the tech isn't aloud to gives us any information. So we wait on the doctor for what seems like eternity. Finally we sit down in his office for the news we don't want to hear. I have another ectopic pregnancy. This time it's in my left tube. At this point I'm starring at the doctor in pure disbelief. How can this be? I hate that I'll never get to hold the baby whose heart I just heard beat so loud and strong. That my dreams of becoming a mother again have been crushed by just a few words. He explains that he'll have to do surgery to remove my left tube and ectopic pregnancy. At this point I have tried to compose myself as long as I can. As I slowly fall apart in his office and tears stream down my face. I realize that this means I no longer can conceive naturally. If we want more children we will have to rely on in virto.

I cried myself across the hall to the hospital to begin the pre-opt process. I sit at registration like a zombie as Matt answers most of the questions and signs the paperwork. I send out multiple text messages to friends and family letting them know the circumstances. I called my Dad and cried like a baby...yes I'm still a Daddy's girl. No matter what it is my Dad always gives me a sense of peace.

My mom and Tristen come to the hospital and wait as I'm getting my blood taken and answering more questions.

Finally it's time to leave and of course I'm hungry. So my sweet husband knows the way to my heart. We hop in the car...our family of 3 and head to my favorite restaurant! Abeulos!!!
So for the rest of the evening we forget our worries and enjoy one another. I eat till I can't eat anymore and take the rest home for later.

On our way home we decided we will all help clean the house when we get home. Knowing I would be having surgery the next day. I will be down and out for at least a week. I want to come home to a sparkly clean house. Yes...I know it's a bit crazy. Everyone told me to take it easy but I just couldn't do it. So by 10pm I had a clean house and a warm Pumpkin Spice Latte in hand. I'm so thankful for my girlfriend Sarah who came by to pray for me and brought Starbucks!
My parents also made a late visit to pray over me too!

Sorry for such a long post. I hope your retina's aren;t bleeding.
I'll post more about Surgery later.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh Sunday's

Oh how I love Sunday's!!!
Early morning peace as I get ready for church as my boys sleep soundly.
Snuggling sweet babies in the nursery.
Stuffing my face with Uncle Julios...oh there is nothing better tasting. (yes..I did break the eating habits today but I just couldn't resist! Homemade flour tortillias with butter...can't be denied)
Sunday afternoon nap
Waking up to my sweet husband telling T not to wake mommy...I had been asleep for 2 hours
Oh how I love that man!!! He is so good to me!!!
Snuggled in bed with my boys watching the cowboys...not a better way to end the day!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 2 and's getting easier

I haven't caved yet! I wanted to many times....

Day 2
Breakfast:Vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries and organic vanillia/almond granola
Lunch: bannana, snack bag of baby carrots and roasted garlic hummus with pretzel crisp
Dinner: fish tacos...they are amazing! I'll leave the recipe below.

Only water...lots of water

I must say at the end of Day 2 I was wanting "real food" bad!! I hate McDonalds but I wanted a double cheeseburger, frys and a large coke! I didn't do it.

Day 3
Breakfast: Vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries and organic vanillia/almond granola
Lunch: apple, snack bag of baby carrots, tuna-to-go
THis was hard!!! We went on a picnic with Tristen's class after a field trip to the Apple Orchard. Everyone was drinking soda, eating chips and cookies....pure torture!!! So I did have a few mini pringles from T's lunch.
Afternoon snack: steamed broccolli
Dinner: 2 cups of homemade chilli...I normally eat...oh 2 full bowls

Grilled Fish Taco's
Matt absoultly loves these! I got this recipe out of a grilling magazine. It's very easy to make and there isn't a lot of prep time at all.
1/2 pound frozen mild white fish, thawed
1 tbs butter
1 package of taco seasoning
1/2 cup sour cream
2 tbs milk
8 soft corn tortilla
1 cup of cheese
shredded coleslaw
chopped tomatoes
chopped alvacados
1. Place fish on heavy duty foil. Brush with melted butter; sprinkle with 2 tbs taco seasonings, turn to coat.
2. Grill fish 10-12 mins or till fish flakes easily.
3. Meanwhile, combine sourcream, milk and remaining taco seasoningin small bowl. Heat taco shells .
4. To serve, cut fish into bite size pieces; place into taco shell. Sprinkle with cheese; add toppings, as desired.Drizzle with sour cream mixture.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Put down the signs

Finally back blogging world!! Oh how I've missed you! These last few weeks have been down right crazy around The Moseley house. It is starting calm down just a bit. I have so many things to catch you up on. First things first ....the strike is over! If you have no idea as to what that means let me give you a quick explanation. We are on year 2 month 9 of trying to make a baby. Yes we have succeed 4 times but all ended in miscarraige. After each miscarriage I normally go on strike! Yes you can laugh! I get so tired of being all healthy and taking 2 handfuls of pills everyday. So I stop taking my vitamins and start shoving handfuls of raw cookie dough down my throat. So I've decided that all that cookie dough is probably not that great for the health and really not good for the backside. With all of that being said yesterday was Day 1 of the lifestyle change. I'm going to try my hardest to not drink caffine...yes I'm a little worried Starbucks and Sonic might go under without my daily contribution. I'm already missing my White Chocolate Mocha and Vanilla Dr.Pepper :( I'm going to avoid all processed foods and stick to eating fresh fruits and vegetables. No..I'm not doing this in hopes of lossing weight. I am very happy with my weight. It just needs to be toned up a bit. As I have slacked off and haven't worked out in 2 months. I am doing this in hopes of having more energy, having a healthier body inside and out and changing my families eating habits. I'm going to blog everyday what I eat to keep myself accountable. Soon enough it will be a lifestyle and I won't have to worry about it anymore.

Day 1

Breakfast:1 cup vanilla yogurt w/ a handful of fresh blueberries and organic almond vanilla granola

Lunch: 2 cups steamed brocolli and a handful of cherry tomatoes

*Tristen ate the same thing for breakfast and lunch. He has always been a good eater because I never gave him another choice.

Afternoon snack: snack bag of baby carrots, 1 graham cracker with peanut butter (YesI know graham crakers are processed...I said I would TRy).

Dinner: Salad and lots of salad, I picked the brocolli out of the chicken alfredo and took a few bites of the bow tie pasta. At this point of the day I was literally starving for real food but I did not give in!

Bedtime snack: Tristen and I shared 2 peaches...they were so sweet and yummy! 2 more cups of steamed brocolli. If you haven't noticed yet...I love brocolli!

Lots of water!!!

I did end the day with a pounding headache as my body was going in shock without it's daily coffee and sugar.

Whew!!!! Day 1 down many many more to go!

Monday, August 31, 2009

So it's true I've been cheating on the blogging world with my friend sewing machine, fabric and ribbon. The JBF show is in 8 days!!!!Ahhhhhh......So I have been literally doing nothing besides sewing and bow making with my dear friend Sarah. Okay so that's not 100% true. I did find time today to have lunch with my mom at The Pie Place. This would only be the 3rd time for me to indulge myself in there delish food in the last 6 days. Oh it was just Yum!! If you've never been you 've got to go try it...your taste buds will be begging to go back! My favs there: Broccolli cheese soup and spinach strawberry salad with poppyseed dressing.

I've got to make this quick tonight! I have a pounding headache and my bed is screaming my name. Not to pun intended...I'm typing and holding my sleeping angel. SO what he's 6....I still hold him for a while when he falls asleep in my arms. I've missed him lots today as Mimi got to send some quality time with him while I worked on my stuff. Gosh... he is so angelic when he's sleeping!

Yes.. he will probably hate me for this picture when he's older. I just couldn't resist! I made this adorable corker bow and needed a model. He was more than happy to try it on and smile. I'm pretty convinced he would be one cute little girl!!

As I have missed 2 Not Me Mondays I knew this week needed to be good. I know I'm not the only one to have ever tried this trick before but I'm probably the only one willing to admit it. We had a wedding to attend for a friend of the family a few weeks ago. So with weddings come new clothes. I have this crazy little habit. I like to coordinate the family when we attend events as such. We went to the mall in search of a dress for me. Well we found No dress but Matt pratically bought out the Ralph Lauren department at Macy's. So now I had to find something to go with what he the way it's suppose to be the other way around. So I found a cute dress at Marshalls...Ralph Lauren by the way. We coordinated all the way down to the brand. I liked it but didn't just love it. So with that in mind I put the dress on that night with the tags still tucked away inside. I would never wear a dress and then take it back...of course NOT! Well here it is the dress I wore and took back!

Did I mention I'm very in love with this handsome man!!!
So I had to go put T down in bed because my arms were starting to hurt. On the way back I make a quick stop by the kitchen to eat several spoon fulls of raw chocolate chip cookie dough.
**Side note** My deal came this morning and I assure you that had nothing to do with my rampage in the kitchen.
Then I decided I'd go ahead and make a few to eat as well. Nothing better than eating cookies in bed!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just call me a slacker

I just realized it's been 2 weeks since my last post! One of those weeks we were gone on vacation the other 7 days....oh I have alot to catch you up on! These are a few of things keeping me from my blogging and post to come about them....Vacation and lots of pictures to come! Did you know that a 12 hour drive in the car could feel like 36 hours when you have 3 small children along for the ride!!! Getting ready for the JBF Sale (Just Between Friends) at Will Rogers in 12 days...yea there is a little panic in my voice but I'm certain things will be fine. Tristen's 1st day of Kindergarten and lots of pictures. The task of making his BAG for Kindergarten...because they don't carry packpacks. It is mandatory or I wouldn't have done it! It was a huge headache and I'm a big fan of monogrammed backpacks....because thats just my style. A wedding for a friend of the family and with that comes lots of shopping to find the perfect to come. Some family drama and boy are they dramatic! Let's top it off with my sister-in-law (Matt's sister..Melissa) got engaged while we were gone on vaction. The wedding is in just a few short months...November 21st and of course we are all in the wedding. So there you have it my life in a paragraph.

I've got to get back to my mommy duties...getting Tristen feed lunch and off to his 3rd day of Kindergarten. Then I will be back for some blogging and lots of sewing!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday Tristen!! I can hardly believe your 6! Where has the time gone??

Thank you for the great joy you bring to our life everday. You have such a sweet spirt and a amazing zest for life! It brings tears to my eyes to think my blonde hair blue eyed not really a baby at all. You are growing up to be a charming little boy. Daddy and I love you dearly!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The list goes on.....

I'm starting to think Monday's come faster than any other day of the week! My Monday went a little like this....slept in till about 8am. Literally made myself get out of bed...I really enjoy my sleep! But I had this cute little fury thing at the end of my bed who found it necessary to whine and whine. Untill I let him outside for his morning social hour with the neighbor dogs. Yes...I love to drink my coffee and watch him in the backyard run up and down the fence with pure delight. I must add I have trained him well...he sleeps in till at least 8am. When we first got him he woke up at 5am....yea that didn't last long in this house. So of course after my coffee I head to the computer while it is still perfectly quiet in the house. I pay a few bills online, balance my checkbook and add to my do to list. Of course I would never write a to do list just to check it off. I am absoultly not that over organized. Okay...okay so just maybe I am! Now it's about 9:15 and my little angel has finally woke up. It's back to the kitchen for chocolate milk(Rice dream ...that is) and breakfast. We hop back in bed to watch Sid the Science Kid and Super Why. Oh what a life it is being a mom...some days it feels like paradise!!! And others well it's not always this easy. We are just trying to savor every last bit of it since Summer is coming to an end all to fast. The day quickly passes by...we enjoy a gourmet lunch on the front porch. PBJ and mac and cheese, gatorade, water and sun chips. Tristen puts on his rollerblades and skates around a while. At this point we are well into the afternoon hours and are still in our PJ's! So I take a quick shower and put on my new Nike outfit. Yes.. you just read that right! Matt bought me these cute navy running shorts and a matching shirt. I have to say I actually love it! Not to mention it is beyond comfortable. I must say I think I will be adding a few more of these to my closet. It might make it that much easier to sweat myself to death if I'm looking stylish. Now that I think about it more ...probably NOT! So we are finally both dressed at 2:30 in the afternoon. It's time to jump in the car and go pay our first tuition payment of the year. The social bugs that we are ....well we had to go in and visit with everyone. BOy I have missed them and so has T. Im ready to get back in the swing of things and Tristen is beyond excited about starting Kindergarten. We head home with a quick stop by Farmers Market. Add peaches, corn in the husk, watermelon and some guacamole to our basket!! It's T-bone steaks, baked potatoes and corn on the cob for dinner tonight. Matt couldn't get home soon enough!! I missed him but I was so hungry and ready to eat! In the mean time we read lots of books, played cars, did some sewing, picked up the house and did a few loads of laundry. It was a must that I got his firedepartment clothes washed and ready since tomorrow he is on shift. Thus leading into another one of those things I would never do. The night before his last shift he asked if his clothes were clean. I told him yes they were in the dryer. So he gets up the next morning starts the dewrinkle cycle on the dryer. He goes about getting dressed to realize his clothes are Not in the dryer....they are still in the dirty clothes. Oh my! This causes him to be late and wear wrinkled dirty clothes into work. No not this wife! We ended another day in our house around the dinner table, bedtime stories and brushing the sugar bugs away. It is again perfectly quiet in the house except the sound of the keyboard. My boys are both snuggled in bed dreaming of firetrucks and beaches. I'm back to adding to my never ending to do list. Vacation is only 6 days away. School starts back in 15 days. My first time as a vendor at the Just Between Friends Fall sale is just 30 days away. Oh and Tristen's 6th birthday just a day away! And the list goes on!!! Hope everyone has a productive and blessed week!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yummy! I just had to share my breakfast with you this morning. With school starting back in 3 weeks it's time we revamp our morning start around the Moseley house. Durning the school week I don't let T have "sugar" for breakfast. Anotherwards no pancakes or waffles with syrup, no cerel with no nutritioal value (lucky charms, trix) and no donuts. Yes it is alot more work on my part! It's back to the bacon and eggs (his #1 request w/ toast), oatmeal, bagels, or yogurt and fuit.

This is one of our favorites...and yes T eats this!
Organic vanilla and almond Granola
Organic blueberries
Dannon Vanilla La Cre'me yogurt
It is absoultly devine!! I love going to Exxon's Famer's Market! They have the best selection of fruits and vegetables...and at least 10 different types of granola.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Let just say it's NOt me Tuesday this week! I would not post my NOt me Monday on a Tuesday. Even though there would be very good looking for Resorts in FLorida all day long yesterday and early into the morning Tuesday. To still be dissatisifed with my findings. I mean come on there are literally 100's. I'm realizing I have been spoiled to 5 star hotels and the amenties that come with it. I would never consider myself a hotel snob....never. It is just crazy to me you find the perfect resort with all the amenties and the pool looks like it belongs in a apartment complex. On the other hand you find the most amazing pool lazy river and all but there is NO cabana boy. Seriously??? A vacation is not a vaction without a Cabana boy. So I am at a loss here. Did I mention I found a amazing 5 star resort with daily house cleaning(I thought that was a no brainer...not in Florida. Since 90% of there resorts are condominiums ). Oh the catch to this have to take a 5 min. speed boat to the beach!!! And if you need to use the restroom you have to take it back to the hotel....enough said! I have finally put this into the hands of my husband. I know he won't let me down because he will do anything to avoid hearing me complain for 5 days. I will update when we have a reservation and have a review when we return from our trip.

Let's get back to my imperfections and things that I would never consider doing!

I would not give Tristen a high five after figuring out how to transform his newest transformers...without using the directions.

I would not eat 4 smores before going to bed at oh 11:45pm. Knowing that all of it will be going to my hips and not thinking twice about it. Did I mention that microwaved smores are delish! THey were worth every calorie...if you know me you know I don't know what calories are :) If it taste good I eat it.

After drying Tristen's hair after his bath and seeing wax in his ear. I would never use a bobby pin( like the ones I use in my hair) off of my desk to get it out. I have to say it worked better than a Q-tip.

Update from last Not me Monday: After taking extreme measures to get in some baby making wasn't succesful again this month. Please put your hands over your hears while I scream at the top of my lungs in frustration, dissapointment and pain! I am now going to take another 2 liquid advils in hopes that is takes away this stabbing pain on my right side. So on to try again for year 2 month 8.

Monday, July 27, 2009

PG 13

I am going to warn you this week is a little PG 13. It's is the down and dirty truth so I'll just tell it like it is.

This is for all of the women out there who have fertility issues or who are trying or who have tried to get pregnant. I am all to familiar with the fertilty world. I never dreamed in a million years I would have issues getting and maintaining a pregnancy. So on that note you will know what I'm talking about when I say every month there is a 4 day opportunity, time span, window or what every you want to call it in your house. We call it the baby making time in ours. THis is a very important thing to not miss out on when you have been trying for 2 years 7 months. So when Matt got a call to come into work for a trade at 7 in the evening. I had to take action right away since he whould be on shift now for 36 hours out of our 96 hour oportunity. So I conspired a plan and took action. I would never bribe my sweet little boy with water guns and a bubble bath in mommy and daddy's big bath tub. I would absoultly NOT try to make a baby with my 5 year old only about 10 steps and a pair of french doors away. I would NOT continue this plan as I heard the words "Mommy....Daddy....Mommy...Daddy!" Knowing that at any moment those doors could be swung open and this mommy and daddy would be caught. No I didn't let that stop me I had serious baby making buisness to attend to. I am happy to say "Mission Accomplished!"

So if you are staring at the screen in shock just go ahead and close out the screen because Not Me Monday isn't over yet.

I would never consider taking something out of a movie and using it in real life. I would never pull a "Big Daddy" in my house. It isn't a very pleasant feeling to wake up in your bed and realize that something next to you is wet. No...I don't really enjoy that. I don't enjoy waking to the smell of urine and the idea of my 5 year old having a accident in my bed. Now I have to wake up, take his pj's off put new pj's on and change the sheets on my bed at 2:30 in the morning. Well I can say I did the first 2 but when I opened up the linen closet I grab a towel instead of a new set of sheets. Thank God for mattress covers! I took that towel layed it right over that wet spot...jumped back in bed and was catching the rest of my Zzzzz's in no time.

Well speaking of Zzzz's I better go get some! Hope everyone has a blessed week and got a good laugh at my not so perfect life. Untill next Monday......

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another great weekend

Birthday Party at the Art Barn
My Prince Charming taking me to lunch at Abuelos
Buy out the Dollar Tree's stock of flashlights for T's Camping party this weekend
Shopping at the Parks Mall
Buying a few new Ralph Lauren's
Sunday morning church
Salt Grass with delightful company and refreshing conversation
Afternoon nap
Powerful praise and worship that literally makes you jump because God is SO good!
Dancing in the rain
Eating yummy hotdogs
Afternoon drive out looking for houses
a trip to Target
Hunting bugs in the dark with flashlights
These are the things that make for a great weekend with my Charming family.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lets Roll....

So I come out of Dollar Tree to this....

I open the truck door to Tristen in the driver's seat and Matt in the back.

T: "Hey mom "

A: "What are you doing?"

T: "Get in ....Let's roll! I'm driving this truck home."

Oh boy!!! I have my hands full!

I am thrilled that I finally found flashlights for T's party. I bought out all that they had. So excited that I can mark that off of my checklist...yes I am that OCD.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dirty Laundry

Well Monday is upon us once again and almost over for that matter. I am a little late today on my "Not Me Monday" post as a sweet friend of mine reminded me. I have a very good reason though. I meet up with my HCCA(Holy Cross Christian Academy) girlfriends and their kiddos for the majority of my day. On that note I have missed them terribly and was so glad to see them!!! Our plans for Hawaiian Falls quickly changed today due to crazy Texas weather. The rain was needed desperatly and my water bill will appreciated it too. So the HCCA gang invaded Peter Piper Pizza for some good ole fun, food and laughter.

**Side Note: Putting Tristen in HCCA was one of the best descisions we have made not only for Tristen but for me!!! I have made some amazings friends I just couldn't live without!

Okay...back to Not me Monday!

I would never take a pair of my pants out of the dirty clothes with the intention of wearing them before washing them. The thought of me putting them in the dryer with a few dryer sheets on the Freshen Up cycle...ironing them and then wearing them to church would just be down right repulsive...oh Not Me!! Did I forget to mention these pants were in the bottom of the hamper with wet towels and urinatated Pj's on top of them.

I would Not do laundry and not clean my house for over a week. I would not do these things just beacuse I didn't feel like it. I would not rather have a messy house instsead of having playdates and coffee dates. Even though as a housewife that is my job and if I worked anywhere else I would be fired on the spot. I would Not give myself a vacation from these duties knowing that I can't be fired because these boys need me. Nope Not Me!!!

Hope you have enjoyed my dirty secrets in my not so perfect life. I had a great Monday and hope everyone else did to. Well my house is still messy and it's not gonna clean it's self so I better get to it!

7 letters

So for many years or 3 1/2 to be exact I have wanted to put Tristen's name on his wall in his room. I could just never find the perfect letters for the job. I always had this preconcieved idea of what I thought they should look like. I am Happy to tell you people actually make what I envision! Isn't that just amazing? I found these at Khols's and they were on sale!!! Of course I had to put the Amanda touch on them and paint them blue. So here are my adorable 7 letters...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fabulous Find

Have you ever seen something and knew you just have to have it? Well it happens to me pretty often. Actually it happened today! I just had to show off my Fabulous Find! I instantly fell in-love with this very chic black flower bracelet! I'm sure your just dying to know where I got it....our church bookstore. My favorite part it only cost me $8!!

I absoultly love it!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me! Monday

So I love this idea of NOT ME! Monday. I follow another blogger who came up with this genius idea. THis is my 1st Not Me! Monday post. It is just suppose to be the brutally honest things that you do but don't want to admit to. BUT...why not??? No one is perfect so why not make someone else feel better about themselves by admiting your imperfections.

So here I go....I would NOT go through the trouble of putting my workout clothes on and taking T to my parents. I would NOT drive to bootcamp pull in my parking space and park the car. To see everyone running outside it 103 temperatures. I would absoultly NOT put my car in reverse and skip bootcamp because I could not bear the thought of sweating that much. No not me!

I would NOT let Tristen eat 3 Yoplait Strawberry Bannana yogurts instead of a healthy lunch.

I would NOT do the unthinkable. I would Not threaten my child out of exhaustion with "If you do that one more time"...knowing that I'm not gonna do a thing about it. No not me! I think that I'll just continue to watch my show and ignore the last 10 times he did it.

I would never wash the same load of laundry 3 times because I keep forgetting about it. No NOT me! THat would just be horrible all that water I'm wasting. Just because I can't remember to put it in the dryer...come on!

So I'm gonna try my best to do this every Monday. We'll see just how successful I am at it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ohhhh what a evening!

Our day was going according to plan...pancakes for breakfast, playing, sewing, finally a shower and out of our PJ's at 12pm, lunch, growing a few animal capsules and then.......Tristen lost his 2nd tooth and all I have in my wallet is $10 and a debit card. Oh boy are the parents of T's friends gonna hate me. He is gonna start thinking the more teeth you loose the more money you get. THe first one was $5 and now the 2nd one $10. Holy cow the tooth fairy must be rich...if he only knew;) So of course he is just pumped about his tooth coming out so we do the happy dance for about 10 minutes. Then he goes to the bathroom to stare at himself for another hour. No I'm not kidding either! After all the excitement for the day or at least for the moment we head to Gram's for dinner with Mimi, Granddaddy, Uncle Jon Jon and Gram. If you didn't know that is just a walk across the backyard and through the gate because Gram's house is directly behind ours. We had a very yummy dinner as always. After dinner my mom, Tristen and I were going to run to my parents house to pick up a few things. We noticed Gram's new next door neighbors were out and have a little boy the same age as T. So my mom told Trisen to go over and introduce himself. Well of course T did that without hesitation as he is a social bug. They became instant friends and within minutes were running around playing. About 10 minutes goes by and the little boy wants Tristen to come in and see his new bunkbed. T ask if he can and I don't see any harm in it so I say sure go ahead. Oh comes the excitment. Tristen comes running out with blood all over his mouth saying the dog bit him. Of course all I can see is blood at this point. So I take him over to the waterhose and start washing off his face and inside his mouth. And sure enough there is two small on the side of his lip and one on the top. At this point his top lip is already swollen and purple. I lift it up to find that the dog also caught under his top lip too and it is all cut up. My mom is freaking out...I'm a really calm and collective parent. I'm really use to these types of things (not dog bites) Tristen is all boy. THere is never a dual moment in our house. So I put T in the truck and head to the Fire Station , so Matt can take a look at it. How is it that he is never home when I need him :) The whole way there my mom is saying" AManda they are going to have to corentine (not the correct sp..sorry) that dog!" WHat if it hasn't had it shots? Maybe we should take him to CareNow? She is very worried about her grandson. We get there Matt takes a good look...and says"oh I think he'll be fine. Did you ask them if the dog had it shots?" So he sends me home to go ask the neighbor's if their dog has it shots...oh this is gonna be awkward. So I'm thinking it will go a little like this....Excuse me sir ...does your dog have it's shots? When was the last time it got them? Are you sure it has had a rabies shot? DOes it have a tag on it's collar saying it does? All dogs that get a rabies shot have a speacial tag on it's collar. Can I get the serial number for that and your Vet's name and number...I'm gonna need to verify all this information. Even though my husband says there hasen's been a case of rabies in years.Hahaha!!! Oh so eventful! The way it really went was my mom and dad went over and the dog had all of it's shots 8 months ago. T is fine....just a very swollen purple lip. And my mom just called to say " Amanda google dog bites. I was reading on there it says ........................................ and I reasured her I would, so I better get to doing that. I love my mom she is still the same very protective, extra cautious mom I remember growing up!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stars...Stripes and Fireworks

It was a very low key 4th of July this year but lots of fun and laughter! We started our day with a trip to Starbucks and then found the perfect spot to watch the parade in Old Town Burleson. THis is the first parade Matt's actually got to sit and watch with us. Every year he is either on shift or driving the Firetruck. I thought I had remembered everything...chairs, blanket, camera, dog with leash and then.....Tristen says "Mom where is my bag to put my candy in?" Oh no I forgot the bag!!! Just then Matt looks over at me with this look like I can't believe you forgot the bag...and then he says "we'll daddy didn't!" Thank goodness for a awesome daddy!!! That could have been a really bad meltdown. Needless to say Tristen filled his bag up with lots of unnessessary candy and multiple trips to the street to retrieve it!

Tristen waving at the motorcycles

Bentley and T watching the parade


My sweet boy

Here come the Firetrucks...oh boy!

After a fun filled morning we headed to Chick-fil-a for breakfast...just guess who picked that??? We ate and played but had to get home for Ciara's 3rd birthday party. We enjoyed celebrating with the Hills and Tristen loved the waterslide of course! After the party we only had a few short hours before getting ready for the Fireworks show. Matt headed down there a few hours before us since he was working overtime for the show. I was a little bummed at first about him having to work but it worked out great! I didn't have to get there extra early because he coned me off a front row parking spot. We enjoyed the evening with our friends Christna(no I didn't misspell her name..chris-na) and Coby. The boys ran around for hours playing football, baseball and whatever else their little hearts desired.

He loves his Sweet Tea

Mommy and Coby

THe boys and their swords

My little Firecracker


Oh I almost left out a couple of things that made our night so much more eventful!

1st: We were sitting on the side of a hill...yes I know what your thinking but I needed shade!

So I go to reach for Tristen's cup and literally almost tumble down the hill lawn chair and all! Thank Christna for saving me and laughing so hard we almost wet our pants.

2nd: This random guy is walking his big dog and it decides to stop in front of where we are sitting and take a poo. Yes...I almost through up!! And he didn't even scoop it up!! So later that evening the boys are running around bare foot and just GUESS what happens??? Oh yes...they both stepped in it! Thank God for baby wipes and bottle water. I thought I was going to throw up multiple times trying to clean up that mess. I can handle throw up and dirty diapers anyday but that never again!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

American Pie

I finally did it! Every year Family Circle has it's American Flag cake on the cover for it's July issue...and every year I tell myself were gonna make it. It's only taking me 6 years but we finally did it! Of course I had to change it up a bit. So instead of making a cake I used a pie recipe.
Strawberry Cream Freeze
1 pkg. (8oz.) Cream Cheese, softened
1 Cup cold milk
1 pkg.(3.4 oz.) Jell-o Vanilla Flavor Instant pudding
1 1/2 cups thawed COOL whip whipped topping
20 Vanilla wafers, broken or use 40 mini wafers
1 cup sliced fresh strawberries
1/2 cup strawberry ice cream topping
8" Graham cracker pie crust
Make Filling: Prep time 25 min
Beat cream cheese in a large bowl with mixer untill creamy.
Gradually beat in milk. Add dry pudding mix; beat 2 min.
Stir in COOL whip, wafers and berries. Swirl in ice cream topping.
Now spoon filling into pie crust and freeze untill firm.
I used a 13x9 cake pan and made my own crust out of Graham cracker crumbs (you can buy those in a box on the baking isle). I had to double the recipe to fit the bigger pan. I bought 2 containers of fresh strawberries and 1 container of blueberries to make the flag. I also used cool whip in the can to make the stripes.
Tristen and I had a blast making and eating this!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My little STAR!

I'm here to do what mommies do best...brag on their kiddo!!! For the last 2 weeks Tristen has been going to baseball camp. It is put on by the coaches of the Burleson Elks baseball team. So we have been up early everyday for the last 2 weeks. If you know us you know thats not our thing! I'm very excited about sleeping in tomorrow!!! The first week of camp was a skillls camp working on all areas. I love the way they taught the kids how to slide properly. It was a genius idea. They had a big slip-in-slide and of course that was T's favorite part of the whole camp!! This week was a all hitting camp. They video taped of all the kids hitting and then gave us a written anayalis. TRisten had so much fun and learned a ton of stuff. I have to say it wasn't the most orgainzed event, but what do you expect it was ran by a bunch of men! On a positive note they were awesome with the boys.

And my favorite part...........................Tristen was in the Burleson Star this past Saturday. THey featured a article on the camp and my little ball players picture was in it!!! He has great form for a 5 year old!! Take a look yourself!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Making a splash

We just returned home from a day at Bedford Splash with Crystal and the girls. I think today was the perfect day to go. It was a nice cloudy 88 degrees outside. Seriously...last week it was in the triple digits. Well that's Texas for you. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to wear my super sylish sun hat I bought at GAp this weekend but I'm sure it will get it's use the rest of the summer! Here are a few pictures I snapped today!!

Eating a sandwich and shaking because he's cold.




Tristen mastering the lily pads.

T and Chloe

Chloe and mommy

Another fun summer day!!!!!!

Father's Day Weekend

So Father's Day is here and gone and yes I'm a week behind as's called have you meet my adorable son who never lets me sit down! Erin I swear I'll get better about blogging more. I have come to the conclusion that in order for that to happen I'm going to need a Apple Macbook pro...anyone want to donate one???? That way I could blog from camp, waterpark or my bed of course...because that is the only time I'm sitting down for longer that a few seconds.

SO back to Father's Day!! We celebrated Matt's Father's Day on Friday night since he had to work at the station on Sunday. We decided to go downtown for dinner and a visit to the Water Gardens. We even tried a new restraunt that we all loved! It's across from the Worthington...Cabo Grande! I highly recommend it! We orginally put our name on the list at Razzos ....which had a very long wait. So we decided to walk around to kill some time. That's when we found Cabo Grande and Matt changed his mind. So I'm sure an hour later at Razzos they were calling Moseley party of late. So by that time we had already eaten and were on our way to the water gardens. It was a pretty good walk to get there and we had to make a quick stop at the Hilton for a potty break. I didn't think it would look to good taking Tristen into the Library for a bathroom break. lol.. Tristen loved it and Matt and I really enjoyed seeing Tristen's excitment everytime he discovered something new. He really wanted to go swimming in the water pools and was a little disappointed he couldn't. We had a great night overall!!! I love spending time with my boys. I love Matt dearly and he is a great father to our sweet little boy!

He wouldn't give me a kiss...little stinker!


Matt got a grile for his truck for Father's Day!

On a side note: Always ask how much it cost to park before you park your car!!!! Matt was a little irratated I paid $12 to park...we could have valet for less than that! And yes I know you can park in the garages for free on the weekends but I don't do elevators! SO there is no price great enough for me to avoid an elevator!!

Saturday= Father's Day with Papa

We celebrated Papa's Father's Day on Saturday since Matt's was working on Sunday of course. We started our day by going to Academy to pick out the perfect fishing reel holders for Papa's new boat!! Which we are all so excited about!! Tristen also picked Papa out a new lure...geez those can get expensive. Watch out Nana fishing is going to be another one of Papa's exspensive hobbies :) After we found everything we needed we headed over to Papa and Nana's. We had a very relaxing day. It's not often we get Papa and Nana all to ourself but it was really nice!!! We had a yummy dinner that Nana made and just hung out on the back porch.

Sunday= Father's Day with Granddaddy

Well I wasn't expecting to spend Father's Day with my dad because my parents had planned a weekend get away in the Hill Country. I was pretty sad Tristen and I were going to spend Father's Day alone. So my dad must have sensed my disappointment . THey decided to come home a day early!!! So my brother and I took him to Pappadeaux for dinner. It was so yummy!! I am still a daddy's girl at heart and will be forever!! I love my dad dearly and can't imagine life without him!!!

I thought this was the coolest thing! They had sidewalk chalk, bubbles, sandbox(not really that crazy about but T was of course) and coloring books for the kids while you waited. All restraunts please take notice in put in effect immediatly!!! You would have more buisness and not so many screaming children.